Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Fwd: Bearing Fruits

I took a long break from my blogs. I hope it has the fruitfulness of letting soil lie fallow.

It is tempting to get depressed about the state of the church in general, and even more so if you are a mainstream Christian, and even more so still if you are a Catholic Anglican who has progressive stands on the issues facing the church, namely really homosexuality. I find myself on the one hand committed to the blessing of faithful same gender relationships, yet on the other quite attached to the Anglican Communion as a necessary part of our catholicity. And I feel compelled to say that in my opinion the conservatives state their theology in a more accesible and traditionally coherent form. So it is even harder when you feel compelled to say to those you support that you think they are actually doing less well at expressing their point of view.

The result of this is that one can feel very negative. Then I had a moment of grace. I remember those statues at my old seminary that followed the convention of portraying saints bearing in their hands their gifts for Jesus. Matthew has a book, a gospel. Paul has a church, presumably filled with Gentile Christians. If someone were ever to makea a statue of me what would it be holding? if I spend my time fretting over the state of the church it won't be holding much. So I will watch the battle, and if the opportunity arises ever to do anything then I will. Yet my energy is going to go toward working for Jesus where I am, and if God blesses me any statue of me will have a hand full.